Monday, July 13, 2015

The Many Benefits of Gas Golf Carts

If you are in the market for a new, custom or refurbished golf cart, then you might be researching the different kinds that are available. While electric golf carts are a popular choice, gas golf carts are also quite popular. The type you end up buying will mostly depend on where you want to use the cart, how often, how far you plan on driving and the type of terrain you will be driving on. Here is a brief overview of gas golf carts. Plymouth residents can come to our showroom to learn even more about them and to browse through our selection.

The first thing you want to think about is how many people you plan to be driving around on your golf cart and how often you will be using it. Electric golf carts have to be regularly charged to run, so sometimes gas golf carts are a better option if you know you will not have time to wait for the cart to charge. If you are going to drive it quite frequently, then gas golf carts might be your best bet.

Then you want to consider where you are driving the golf cart. Is the terrain pretty hilly or rocky? Gas golf carts tend to handle uneven terrain better than their electric counterparts. These make them an excellent choice for those who have to access remote parts of their property or a work site. And those who are familiar with how to fix a car might enjoy gas golf carts more since they are already familiar with how a gas engine works.

And because gas golf carts do not use a battery, you do not have to worry about how long the battery will hold a charge or how it will fare if stored away and not used for a long time. This makes gas golf carts a good choice if you only plan to use it a few times a year.

Finally, keep in mind that the costs associated with operating gas golf carts are similar to the ones associated with electric. Gas golf carts will have more frequent maintenance costs but they will usually not be as pricey as a new battery would be for an electric golf cart.

Do you want to learn more about gas golf carts in Plymouth and the surrounding areas? Call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970 or you can Browse Our Site or Contact Us.