Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why Now is a Great Time to Buy a Used Golf Cart

Minnesotans everywhere are finally dusting off their golf carts and heading outdoors for some much needed fun in the sun. But, did you know that spring is also a great time to buy a used golf cart? Whether you plan on hitting the golf course this spring or are simply looking for a better way to get around, a used golf cart is a great way to do so. At RM Golf Carts, we have a wide assortment of golf carts for sale and would love to tell you more about them and what makes now such a great time to buy. We are the trusted name in new and used golf carts in Otsego so when you’re ready to find the right golf cart for you, come by and see all we have in stock! Until then, here are some things to keep in mind:

The biggest advantage to buying used golf carts in the spring is that you will have the first pick of the refurbished trade-ins. During the winter, golf courses and other businesses that utilize large quantities of golf cars turn in their whole fleet in pursuit of new vehicles.

You might find one in the right color that has just the accessories you want; if not, you will have time to get your new golf car decked out as you want it. At RM Golf Carts we carry a wide variety of golf cart accessories to help you customize your golf cart to meet your unique needs.

Right now, used golf carts are in great supply and come in a variety of styles and colors. That makes now an excellent time to find the very best in used golf carts. These vehicles offer excellent values for residential buyers and small business buyers as well. And, when one of these vehicles comes in for trade, we refurbish them and make sure they run and look great.

Are you ready to find your new golf cart? Visit our showroom in Ramsey to browse through our selection or take a look at our gallery. Our inventory changes daily and includes used: Club Cars E-Z Go Yamaha and more.

Even though you may be working on a reduced budget, as we all do sometimes, we still have an amazing selection of pre-owned golf carts to choose from!

Are you ready to learn more about used golf carts near Otsego? Call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970 or you can feel free to Contact Us.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Seniors Enjoy the Benefits of These Three Golf Cart Types

Are you a senior or is your loved one a senior and looking for a new way to get around? Have you considered golf carts? The average golden-ager or baby boomer can enjoy the many benefits of a golf cart. Golf carts offer many benefits for ease of transportation, and, there is a golf cart best suited for a variety of needs. Most seniors are looking for something that is practical, will last and is easy to maintain. At RM Golf Carts we offer a variety of different golf carts including gas powered, refurbished and electric golf carts for the Otsego area. Although we have customers of all ages, in this post, we would like to help seniors find the right golf cart for their unique preferences and requirements.

1. Electric 

Electric golf carts offer minimal maintenance and are an excellent option for seniors that want something low-maintenance. In general, electric golf carts are more cost effective to purchase and use. Because they run on a battery, you will not have to worry about buying gas for it. Also because of that, electric golf carts are more eco-friendly. You simply have to plug your golf cart in to recharge the battery. Electric golf carts are excellent for terrain that is relatively flat and even. This makes them ideal for golf courses, retirement communities and areas like that are frequented by seniors. And, most retirement communities don’t allow their noisier counterpart; the gas powered golf cart. At RM Golf Carts you are sure to find the perfect electric golf cart to meet your needs as a senior. Golfers and those who live in quiet communities should definitely consider electric golf carts.

2. Refurbished 

On a budget but looking for reliability? Refurbished or pre-owned golf carts are a great option. Refurbished golf carts are the best value for your money, as you’re getting a high quality vehicle at a fraction of the price.

3. Custom

At RM Golf Carts we can customize an electric golf cart to meet your unique needs as a senior. Love to golf? We can customize for that. Need a place for groceries? We can make it happen! We will build, paint, stretch and lift anything to suit your needs. We have a talented and experienced staff to help show you the latest and greatest options available to create customized golf carts.

Are you ready to learn more about custom, refurbished or electric golf carts in the Otsego area? Call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970, Browse Our Site or Contact Us.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gas Golf Cart Facts & Benefits

Have you been considering a gas golf cart for your home or business? There are many great benefits to this type of golf cart and the experts at RM Golf Carts would like to tell you all about them! We sell gas golf carts near Oak Grove, and know all of the many reasons you might want to choose a gas golf cart for your use.
  1. Operating in much the same way a car does, a gas golf cart will not require a charge, just the obvious and constant gas refills once the tank runs towards empty. The general mechanics of gas golf carts are a lot like those of a car. So, if you are comfortable in your gas powered vehicle, even as far as general repair, this may be the golf cart type for you.
  2. If you are driving more than 10 miles each way (for example, if you are driving into town and you drive 12 miles each way), then gas golf carts are probably your best option. Or, contrarily, you might only need a golf cart a few days a year. Gas golf carts are your best choice since you do not have to worry about a battery and how long it will hold a charge.
  3. More powerful than their electric golf cart counterparts, gas golf carts are better to use on hilly or uneven terrain, possessing the power to push itself over. What is the terrain like at the location you will be using your golf cart? This can make an impact on the type of golf cart you choose.
  4. Storing your golf card far from an electrical access? If there is no power supply or electricity readily available, then gas golf carts will probably be your best choice. While most campgrounds have electricity available, some more remote camping areas do not.
  5. In general, the costs of operating an electric golf cart vs. a gas golf cart are comparable. The main difference is that the costs of operating gas golf carts are smaller but more frequent than electric golf carts.
  6. After considering these key points and if you decide a gas golf cart will work best for your needs, then stop by and see what models we have in stock! Or, if you decide an electric golf cart might be best, we have plenty of those as well! And, we can tell you all about their many benefits.

Are you interested in learning more about gas golf carts in Oak Grove? Call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970, Browse Our Site or Contact Us.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Electric Avenue: Tips for Your Electric Golf Cart

It’s time to get your electric golf cart out of storage and tuned up for summer adventures! There are so many benefits to owning a golf cart this time of year; from getting around town to golf outings, they are one of the easiest and fancy free forms of transportation out there. Electric golf carts are not only convenient, they are also environmentally friendly.

Electric golf carts are made for all-day operation. You should be able to take them out for hours at a time and trust they will operate smoothly and without any problems. Electric golf carts are excellent for terrain that is relatively flat and even. This makes them ideal for golf courses, retirement communities and areas like that. Electric golf carts run quietly too, so they are a good option for quiet areas. They are also easy to handle, and they will safely get you from one destination to another.

As experts in electric golf carts for New Brighton and surrounding areas, we’d like to provide you with a few useful tips and benefits to keep in mind for the months ahead.

Battery Checkup

Electric golf carts are an excellent option if you want a low-maintenance golf cart that will still get you around. Though, on occasion, they will require a battery replacement. The cost of a new battery depends on the type of golf cart you own, as well as the battery itself, but you only have to replace them about every 7 to 10 years. Having your battery replaced will ensure it’s running in tip-top shape. And, over time, the money you save on gas will definitely add up.

Overall Tune Up

Since you charged your batteries for your electric golf carts before storing them, simply take a look for any corrosion. If your cart won’t start, you may need to replace the battery. Do not attempt to jump-start any of your carts! Serious damage could be done if you try to do so, it’s better to take it in to have it looked at. An expert at RM Golf Carts will be able to take a look, assess the situation and perform any necessary repairs. You and your golf cart will be enjoying the warm summer breeze in no time!

Are you ready to learn more about electric golf carts in the New Brighton area? Call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970, Browse Our Site or Contact Us.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Let’s Ponder Gas and Electric Golf Carts For Sale

Landing that perfect golf cart to wander about your property involves thorough and efforted search and analysis. Don’t go over to the junkyard to find one in a bad way and take it home. Don’t dig up that rusty one buried under layers of debris in the corner of your shed from 1973 (though we do have a talented crew we have on-site who can resurrect through repair, that oldie from your garage or shed). You want to come to a professional company with golf carts for sale near Otsego, like RM Golf Carts. We sell it all, new, refurbished, even customizable options. The real question, for you, may be ‘do I go with gas or electric’.

Golf carts will get you where you are going. Operating in much the same way a car does, your gas golf cart will not require a charge, just the obvious and gas refills when the tank runs towards empty. The general mechanics of gas golf carts are a lot like those of a car also. So, if you are comfy there, even as far as general repair goes, this may be the right golf cart for you. If distance is involved in the usage of your golf cart, gas is the better choice. Anything beyond 10 miles one way would call for the fuel power of gasoline over that of an electric charge. More powerful than your electric golf cart counterparts, gas golf carts are better to use on hilly or uneven terrain, possessing the power to push you over.

Maybe you are an environmentally friendly sort and wish for this stance to carry over into your golf carts? If so, an electric powered golf cart is likely the direction you should go. Not only is an electric golf cart the ecological choice, it is also the economical choice. Battery-powered, an electric golf cart is a bit more in the way of cost effective than gas, operating off of a charge, you do not have to run back and forth to the gas station to repeatedly keep your tank filled. Electric golf carts are the ideal Point ‘A’ to ‘Point ‘B’ sort. Awesome to use on flat terrain, if your golf cart serves a more practical purpose (like helping en elderly person or someone with difficulties in ambulation), electric may just be the way to go. Plug it in, charge it up, get moving.

The debate over which golf carts for sales that you go with comes down to cost and need. The above should help get you where you are going, the rest is up to you. If you are interested in the golf carts for sale near Otsego, or local towns, call RM Golf Carts at 763-323-1970 for details or visit our showroom on Highway 10, or you can or Contact Us.